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作者: 来源:76net必赢官网手机版 点击量: 发布日期:2022-06-14








Hubert Forestier(法国国家自然历史博物馆)、Hsiao-chun Hung (澳大利亚国立大学)、Lâm Thị Mỹ Dung(越南国立社会科学与人文大学)、Rasmi Shoocongdej(泰国艺术大学)、Heng Sophady(柬埔寨皇家艺术大学)、Valéry Zeitoun(法国巴黎索邦大学)















































Notice of 2022 Wuhan University Summer School

“Southeast Asian archaeology in the Perspective of

the Belt and Road Initiative”

In recent years, Southeast Asian archaeology in the perspective of the “Belt and Road Initiative” has become a hot research subject, which covers a wide range of issues, including the relationship of early cultures between South China and Southeast Asia, the origin and dispersal of the Hoabinhian technocomplex, the origin of Neolithic culture and bronze-making technology in Southeast Asia, etc. As the Department of Archaeology of Wuhan University has been paying great attention to this subject, the School of History plans to host the first Summer School entitled “Southeast Asian Archaeology in the Perspective of Belt and Road Initiative”. This Summer School aims to implement the academic development strategy of Wuhan University, by making full use of high-quality educational resources from home and abroad to improve students’ knowledge of Southeast Asian archaeology and history and other related frontier issues.

This Summer School will receive participants from outstanding university students from China and foreign countries. As a highly frontier platform for academic exchanges and study, it intends to train and cultivate future researchers with a broad academic vision and to explore an optimized talent-formation model for Southeast Asian archaeology, museology, cultural heritage, history and arts. The information below details the courses and registration procedures:

1. Course Contents and Forms

This summer school involves learning and discussions regarding Southeast Asian archaeology, and a series of lectures and courses provided by world-known scholars in the field of Southeast Asian archaeology and history. Both online and offline lectures will be delivered. Online forms include live and recorded broadcast lectures, while offline forms include face-to-face lectures and round-table seminars. The students from Hubei Province will participate offline. The students from other provinces and foreign countries study online.

2. Teaching Staff

Teaching staff delivering the Summer School (2022) courses will include the following TEN scholars (Scholars working in China are sorted by the stroke of their surname; scholars working in foreign countries are sorted by the first letter of their surname; the actual list may be adjusted):

Hubert Forestier (National Museum of Natural History, France), Hsiao-chun Hung (Australian National University), Lâm Thị Mỹ Dung (VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi), Rasmi Shoocongdej (Silpakorn University, Thailand), Heng Sophady (Royal University of Fine Arts, Cambodia), Valéry Zeitoun (Sorbonne University, Paris, France)

Ji Xueping (Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Zhang Yasha (Minzu University of China), Chen Hongbo (Guangxi Normal University), Qin Xiuhong (School of Southeast Asian Studies, Guangxi University for Nationalities)

Language of lecture: Chinese, English, French.

3. Class Information

Admission plan: 35 students (15 from Wuhan University, 20 from other universities)

Registration time (offline): July 9, 2022

Duration: July 10, 2022—July 16, 2022

Venue (offline): Zhenhua Building, School of History, Wuhan University, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China

4. Registration Requirements and Application Procedure

4.1. Registration requirements

(1) Applicants should come from undergraduate students (enrolled in 2019 and 2020), graduate students and Ph.D candidates in relevant disciplines,e.g., archaeology, cultural relics and museology, history, Southeast Asian languages and cultures (Ph.D candidates account for no more than 20% of the participants);

(2) Applicants should have an outstanding academic record,and demonstrate strong intellectual curiosity in Southeast Asian archaeology and languages,active learning awareness, academic development potential and research capabilities;

(3) Applicants should be proficient in English and also fulfill the minimum English proficiency requirement: a score of at least 425 in the CET-6, an overall band score of 6.0 in IELTS, a score of at least 70 on the TOEFL, or other equivalent qualifications;

(4) Applicants with a basic knowledge of Southeast Asian languages or French are preferred.

4.2. Application procedure:

Applicants should check the official website of the School of History at Wuhan University () for updates and the required documents before submission. The list of documents is as follows:

(1) Application Form for Summer School SEA 2022 (electronic version, with signature);

(2) A copy of the transcript of the courses completed (electronic version);

(3) ID card or Passport and student ID card (electronic version);

(4) Academic certificate (e.g., electronic version of published academic papers, awards and qualification certificates)

(5) Foreign language proficiency certificates.

All the above-mentioned documents should be merged into one PDF file with a title in the format of “Southeast Asia WHU+Name” and be submitted to 983588065@qq.com before 17:00, June 27, 2022.

5. Course Evaluation

Successful applicants for this Summer School must ensure full participation. Upon completion of the school, a certificate of completion will be provided by the School of History, Wuhan University.

After finishing the courses and lectures, participants are expected to make a thematic presentation in the Forum of Southeast Asian archaeology and History, with experts available to provide comments. Meanwhile, participants should submit a summary report within a week after the end of the school. Participants who demonstrate independent thinking abilities and excellent overall performance in their thematic presentation and summary report will be awarded a prize and a certificate of “outstanding students”. Three “outstanding students” will be selected during this Summer School.

Participants of the 2022 Summer School can apply for free elementary courses of “Thai Language Classes” (from July 17, 2022 to August 14, 2022) according to their own will. The place is limited, and 3-5 applicants will be selected on a competitive basis.

This Summer School aims to train and cultivate professionals who have the enthusiasm and ability to conduct research in such academic fields as Southeast Asian archaeology, cultural heritage, museology, history, and art. This Summer School welcomes university students interested in the“ Belt and Road Initiative” and Southeast Asian archaeology. Graduates of this school will enjoy priority recommendations if they are willing to do research in the above-mentioned academic areas in the future.

6. Application Assessment and Admission

6.1. Application assessment

Applications will be assessed in accordance with their quality by the School of History, Wuhan University.

6.2. Admission

Approved applicants will be informed by the School of History by June 30, 2022 via Email. Unsuccessful applicants will not be contacted.

7. Fees

7.1. The Summer School is an academic and cultural exchange program and will charge no application fee.

7.2. The Summer School will cover accommodation and transportation costs for students from the institutions located in Hubei Province (normally including hard sleeper, high-speed train second class), and invoices for reimbursement are needed. The cost of meals will not be covered. All the students from other provinces and oversea students study online and are responsible for their own related fees during the Summer School.

8. Others

8.1. During the Summer School, the Chinese participants studying offline must obey the arrangements of Wuhan University.

8.2. During the offline activities, participants must follow Wuhan University’s epidemic prevention and control provisions. Those who have faked or concealed their travel information are responsible for the undesirable consequence caused by themselves.

8.3. The School of History at Wuhan University reserves the right of final interpretation of this Summer School.

8.4. For more information, please contact:

Prof. Zhou (staff). Email: zhouyuduan@yeah.net

Prof. Li (staff). Tel: (0086) 135 45 00 63 09

Mr Lou (student assistant). Email: 983588065@qq.com

Application form for Summer School SEA 2022.doc